about me…

about me…
i am a 4o year old married woman with 3 wonderful kids… and a husband that loves me. we have been together for 22 years, married for 19.  i have a huge secret that i have successfully kept from them.. kept from all my friends, my family, and husband…i had a 4 year affair with a married man…
and it is over… my affair with the man i believed was my true soul mate is over…i was never planning on leaving my husband or my family to be with him, and he told me from day one that he would never leave his wife or family … but yet, we continued our affair. we talked most every day (phone, email, texts) and saw each other several times a week. i was very emotionally & physically connected to him… and addicted…. on march 10, 2010 he told me that he was recommiting himself back to his wife, family and his work. he said goodbye to me…  he told me we cannot continue and i cannot be in his life or a part of his life anymore.
i am trying very hard to deal with the grieving process and focus on MY family and move on with MY life.. all in secret of course.. and my heart is in so many pieces i don’t know how to ever feel complete again…
so… with doing all the reading i have done over the past week or so… i am trying to blog it..
who knows.. maybe i can even help someone or someone will be able to get it and my secret will be shared…
thank you for reading…


  1. hi emma, I wanted to let you know that I emailed you this morning. feel free to email me anytime.

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